It’s hard to find words to describe how lost I feel at times. I’ve cried. I’ve worried about every possible outcome until I realize I was making myself sick.
I was worried that one of my loved ones would get sick, and there was nothing I could do to protect them. Then it hit me that my life was changing in ways I could never anticipate. I had to order groceries from an app and plan far enough in advance to receive them before I ran out. I abruptly missed my weekly strolls through the grocery store and Target. I hated relying on a stranger to pick the right tomatoes and blueberries. I had perfected that craft and didn’t want to transfer it to someone else. I was in denial.
What harm would it do if I ran into the grocery store? It’ll only take a few minutes. After doing so, I felt uneasy as those around me chatted as if the world hadn’t suddenly changed. Social distancing was just an abstract thought, and I held my breath as I quickly ran to my car. I’m sure this sounds a bit exaggerated, but I finally understood that I needed to go home and stay there.
What About You?
How are you doing?
What’s keeping you up at night?
How are you treating yourself and those around you?
What’s bugging you?
How have you changed?
What You CAN DO
During stressful times like these, I make time to sit perfectly quiet all alone. I stay in this place until I can catch the stressful thoughts that cause fear and anxiety. Then I write them down in a journal or the notes app on my phone, so I don’t forget.
Then I scrutinize them by asking if they’re real? Here’s an example: I thought I had to shop for my groceries. I knew what I wanted, and it would save money. But the truth was that I would happily empty my bank account to ensure I or others in my family were healthy and safe. I could allow others to do that for me, and I could tip them generously. I rationalized the shoppers were helping lots of people like me, which helped reduce the number of people in the stores at any given time.
Next, I caught the thought I’d go crazy sitting at home all day. Then I looked at all the things on my to-do list from the past three months and realized I had more than enough things to keep me busy.
The bottom line is that you get to choose how you examine all the things that are happening in your life today.
Which Zone are YOU going to CHOOSE?
In the beginning, I lived in the fear zone as most of us did or still do. I realized I didn’t want to live my life that way and decided to use the time to finish a few projects and improve various skills to be a better coach and business owner. Since I’ve been in the Learning Zone, I feel a lot more relaxed and in charge of what I do and how I do it. Yes, there are moments when I revisit the Fear Zone, but it’s just a short trip.
Last week I realized this pandemic was a blessing in disguise. Yes, people are dying, loved ones are grieving, and I’m so sorry for all the pain and suffering of so many. But it can also be a time for us to look at our lives and how we live differently. It’s turning out to be a time of rebirth for our planet. Our collective psyches can follow if we let them. Thinking this way signaled my arrival in the Growth Zone. Here I get to use my God-given gifts to coach those who are stuck in fear and anxiety get to a better place. This thought makes me happe and is a win for everyone. If this describes you, click here to sign up for free coaching. It’s my way of helping you get to a better feeling place because we need you mentally sound as we transcend to a new normal. I pray you and your family are safe and free from harm.
Take care, and stay safe.