Have you ever been locked out of one of your online accounts, and no matter what you tried, you couldn’t get back in? That’s been my issue for the past week. I do all of my graphics in a program called Canva. I love how I can choose a template, change a few things, and have professional looking graphics for social media and my website. It’s a fantastic tool, and I didn’t realize how much I use it until I was unable to log in last week, which stills has me baffled in that I consider myself pretty tech-savvy.
I tried changing my password and discovered it went to an email account of a domain I no longer have. After chatting on Facebook with a rep from the company in Australia a few times, I decided to buy the old domain, which I was sure would solve the problem.
Nope! So I sent another message and realized Australia is 17 hours ahead of us, which explains why it sometimes takes so long for them to respond to my messages and cry for help.
Then I was locked out of another account, and I was extremely frustrated for days. Then I realized that something is happening, and I need to stop and pay attention. I found I had been locking myself out of some other things in my life.
In the past couple of months, I’ve stopped exercising regularly, journaling, and meditating. Suddenly it all made sense, and I understood why I felt so frustrated with so many things in my life.
How I unlocked what I want
I quietly meditated for 30 minutes. Then I wrote about all the areas of my life that felt locked so I could prepare a plan to unlock them. I intend to journal and meditate every day. I also get to spend an hour doing something creative or just relaxing and doing nothing at all. I get to choose whatever makes me the happiest with all the things I’m doing in my life right now. It’s that simple because I intend it to be.
Sit quietly for a few minutes every day
Some call it meditation. It’s just sitting alone quietly with your eyes closed while you focus on breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. It’s okay if your mind is racing a million miles a minute. It’s okay if you forget to focus on breathing in and out. It’s merely catching a few of the 60-80,000 thoughts you have a day. Once you find them, you can see the impact they have on your life. For example, when I caught the feeling that everything in my life is locked up, I was able to figure out ways in which to be more present, take better care of myself, and start exercising again. I feel connected to a part of the universe that knows all the answers and steers me in the right direction when I take time to tune in.
Download your thoughts
Writing down your dreams isn’t something teenage girls do although I’ve done it since I was a teenager and have more journals than I can count. I credit this practice to helping me realize I was unhappily married, and I needed to make significant changes in my life. Of course, it was challenging, but it changed my life in so many ways, and I found myself onstage with Oprah Winfrey and Martha Beck a week after my divorce was final. It’s also simple to do. All you need is a piece of paper (or a app in your phone) to begin. Just start writing what you’re feeling. You don’t have to read what you wrote, but I suggest you save it. Simple right?
Journal writing relieves stressful thoughts and helps extinguish burnout. It also gives you a chance to tell your story in a world where you often keep your views and opinions to yourself.
It’s okay if you write how much you hate writing. Eventually, other thoughts and feelings will come through once you relax and allow it flow.
What do you want?
Make a list of all the seemingly impossible things you want in your life. Make it as outrageous and improbable as you can. What this does is prime the brain to begin listing things, people, and events that are a lot more realistic. From here, you begin to see patterns of what you want and how you want to live. Then you can brainstorm ways to do these kinds of things. You can search for answers while you are sitting quietly or journaling. It can be easy if you allow it to be. I love doing this activity with my clients. Hearing their squeals of delight when they tap into a thought that makes them happy gives me goosebumps that I get to help people unlock their lives.
Where are you locked?
What easy steps can you take to unlock it?
You get to choose how you live your life and how you love yourself. No one else can do it for you, but you don’t have to do it alone.
I know what it feels like to be stuck, and I’d love to help you. Click here to see the February coaching special I’ve created just for you.
Your life can be easy if you let it.