I smiled when I saw the Santa mailbox as I walked through Macy’s last week. It reminded me of days long ago when my kids couldn’t wait to mail their letters. It was a time when they believed they could get anything they wanted by simply writing in on a piece of paper and sending it to the North Pole. I then wondered why we couldn’t continue to do the same thing, although we know there’s no magical character dropping off gifts after midnight on December 24th.
But what if we were in charge of making all of our wishes come true? Imagine living a life like that. I know it might sound a little bizarre but bear with me.
What are you deciding?
Every day we make around 35,000 decisions according to the psychologists who study this kind of stuff. Some are standard everyday decisions like brushing your teeth and showering while others are more complex, like choosing the best company to work for or who to marry. Yet, buried in all of this decision making is the opportunity to look at your life objectively and determine if you like how you’re living right now.
What do you really want?
If Santa could bring you anything, what would it be? Would you like to change something in your personal life? Are you satisfied with every part of your career? Most people go through life without consciously looking at where they are and what they’re doing. They avoid processing their emotions and numb their pain with alcohol, sex, or shopping, which was my favorite avoidance. You don’t have to live like that.
It’s never too late to change
It’s time to take a look at your life, and you can begin by writing down all the things, people and experiences you’d like to invite into your life. Do you want more love, a higher paying job, a mate who loves you, or just more quiet time away from the hustle and bustle of life? Whatever it is, you can invite it.
You’re Santa
When you make time to write down everything your heart desires, you get crystal clear about where you are, and what you’d like to invite into your life. Then you get to figure out how to attract these people or things into your life. It may sound daunting, but it shouldn’t be. If you want to invite more love, then start hanging out with people you adore being around. If you need to make, more money think about turning a hobby into a side-hustle or freshen up the resume and apply for a new job.
It’s your life
You don’t need a rosy-cheeked man to give you all the things your heart desires. You get to decide how you live every aspect of your life, and if something or someone isn’t bringing you joy, then it’s time to let it or them go. It’s your choice. No one else can decide for you, and I hope you choose to follow your heart to live a life you love. It’s not hard, although it may demand you make a few difficult choices, and the rewards are so worth it.
I wish you and yours a happy holiday season filled with lots of love, rest, joy, and delicious food.
If you come up with a lengthy list of things and have no idea how to start, click here to schedule a free 30-minute discovery session with me.