November is the perfect time of the school year to celebrate what you’ve done right. It may be hard to do when you’re knee-deep in work, but it’s worth it. Today, I’m going to keep it short and sweet with a few tips on how to incorporate more gratitude in your life.
Take time once a day to check-in.
You can keep track of anything that made you happe (emotional wins) on a small sticky note on your desk or in a small notebook. Doing this helps you focus on all the mini-wins, which is a proven mood booster. Then you can re-read them after dealing with a difficult student or a frustrating encounter with someone at work or home.
Verbalize your gratitude
When you share your appreciation with people in your personal and professional life, everyone feels better. The only caveat is that it has to be genuine, or it means nothing. If you’re not in the habit of complimenting students, I encourage you to start right now. It’s a great relationship builder and confidence booster. Plus, students know that you see them and are proud of what they’re doing, which motivates them to work even harder.
Create a happier classroom
I read a story where a teacher listed each student’s name on a piece of paper and had everyone write something they admired about them. She typed the list for each student and taped it on their desks. Every time a student faced a challenging situation, she had them look at the words to determine how to use their innate strength to solve their problem. I did this with my most challenging classes and had them keep the list in their folders. It made a massive difference in their self-esteem and problem-solving skills. I would use words from their list when grading their essays to highlight their innate ability to succeed in my class. It was one of the most exciting activities I’ve ever done with my students, and I did it throughout my teaching career. This type of exercise can also be done with your family or in other collaborative situations.
Research shows that gratitude makes you happier and, when done regularly, improves your health and outlook on life.
During this festive time of the year, take some time to flex your gratitude muscles. I’m sure you’ll be glad you did. How you incorporate gratitude into your life? I’d love for you to share here or on social media at The Happe Teacher.