A few weeks ago I received a message on Twitter chastising me for spelling Happe wrong. The kind fellow wrote my students would be ashamed of my spelling mistake. My immediate reaction left me puzzled and a little angry. I quickly realized the nature of social media and decided to take my time crafting the appropriate reply. I knew posting a snarky response wouldn’t solve the problem and decided to use this opportunity to educate my diligent friend as to why I spell happy with an E.
I told him that I was unable to bet the happY domain and that I resorted to happE because I wanted to educate my clients and anyone who happened to visit my website how Emotional Happiness is much different that the HappY the media has recently latched onto as a tag line. It’s easy to see through their message that Happy is something anyone can attain if you drink the right soft drink, buy the right insurance or use the right cellular service. Living a real happe live goes so much deeper than that.
Emotional happiness involves more than just smiling and saying all is well when some area of your life is out of whack.
It means surrounding yourself with people who have earned the right to know your story as Brene Brown has so eloquently written in her best selling book “Daring Greatly.”
It means knowing your life’s purpose and actively striving to live it every single day.
People who are Emotionally Happe live balanced lives.
The do work that they love.
They surround themselves with positive people.
They love themselves more than anyone else and do what’s best for themselves first. They don’t sacrifice their happiness for the sake of others.
They’re not self-centered narcissists – far from it. They have a kind, generous heart and an open mind.
They don’t judge and are patient.
They’re grateful for every life experiences – even the bad ones because they teach the best lessons.
They love every area of their life (or are striving towards it) and often help others do the same.
Being Emotionally Happe means getting quiet and listening to what psychologists call the monkey mind. You may know it as the endless chatter that tells you what to do and what to think and what others are thinking about you and how you’re not doing or being enough and how they have more and you need to keep up with them if you’re ever going to be happy.
Being Happe isn’t easy but it’s worth the journey. When you’re really living an Emotionally Happe life you’re no longer concerned about what others think or say or do.
It’s only about your journey towards managing your emotions and living the life you were born to live.